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Contact Us
Our mission is to provide users with more accurate, sensitive, convenient, and fast diagnostic products
Sales Sales feedback After sales training Incorruptible Administration Construction
Comprehensive provider of diagnostic solution for respiratory diseases
International business
International Marketing&Sales Director
Mrs. Jiang


mobile phone:+86-13450283097

Address: Building 1, No.1 Ruifa Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Supply chain business
Domestic business
Domestic sales
Mr. Zhang
mobile phone: 18911308081
Domestic sales
Mr. Xie
mobile phone:13928320739
Business of bacteria, viruses, raw materials, and reference products
Mrs Huang

mobile phone:18924059539


Talent recruitment
Mrs Feng

North China
Manager Chen Hainan Sales Tel: 18976145523 Manager Jian, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18682427297
Manager Liang Guangxi Sales Tel: 18697948951
Manager Zhang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18933969481
Former Manager Guangdong Sales Tel: 18122535638
Manager Yang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 13922173421
South China
Manager Chen Hainan Sales Tel: 18976145523 Manager Jian, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18682427297
Manager Liang Guangxi Sales Tel: 18697948951
Manager Zhang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18933969481
Former Manager Guangdong Sales Tel: 18122535638
Manager Yang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 13922173421
West China region
Manager Chen Hainan Sales Tel: 18976145523 Manager Jian, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18682427297
Manager Liang Guangxi Sales Tel: 18697948951
Manager Zhang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18933969481
Former Manager Guangdong Sales Tel: 18122535638
Manager Yang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 13922173421
East China
Manager Chen Hainan Sales Tel: 18976145523 Manager Jian, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18682427297
Manager Liang Guangxi Sales Tel: 18697948951
Manager Zhang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 18933969481
Former Manager Guangdong Sales Tel: 18122535638
Manager Yang, Guangdong Sales Tel: 13922173421
Central China
Sales feedback
If there is customer feedback or complaint after using Hecin products, please fill in the form for feedback
Feedback Details
*content classification
Product improvement suggestions Product quality issues Storage and transportation issues Packing Document issues Is it a complaint other
*Is there a quality control issue?
yes no
* Click to upload
After sales training
We provide different levels of training for distributors and end users, including
but not limited to open, on-site and online training
Public training
Hecin provides service training at the exhibition, including instrument operation and function, installation, functional testing, and troubleshooting.
on-site training
Provide service training at the Hecin R&D Center.
Online training
Hecin provides online video training for distributors and end-users to ensure that customers receive sufficient learning.
Incorruptible Administration
Welcome your valuable feedback for an anti-corruption Hecin administration