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Ready-to-Use PCR Master BlueMix
Der gebrauchsfertige PCR Master BlueMix ist ein vorgemischtes lyophilisiertes Reagenz für eine effiziente PCR-Amplifikation, einschließlich doppelt blockierter Hot-Start-Super-HTaG-DNA-Polymerase, MEC2 und Bromphenolblau-Elektrophoreseindikator.
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Verwendungszweck Produktmerkmale Grundlegende Parameter

Ready-to-Use PCR Master BlueMix is a premixed lyophilized reagent for PCR efficient amplification, which includes double-enclosed hot-start Super HTaq DNA

polymerase, MgCl 2 , and bromophenol blue electrophoresis indicator. When using, only add DNA templates and primers (or probes) according to the required

amount, and add PCR-grade water until each reaction reaches 20µL, and then the PCR amplification reaction of the DNA sample can be started.

The 3' end of the PCR product amplified by this product has an "A" base attached, so it can be directly cloned into T-Vector; the PCR product is also suitable for

sequencing identification;This product contains blue Loading Buffer dye for DNA sample electrophoresis tracing, PCR products can be directly used for agarose

gel electrophoresis, easy to use.Bromophenol blue dye is a standard electrophoretic tracer dye with a band size of about 300 bp in 1% agarose gel.


Lyophilized form 

---Uniform size.

---Good reproducibility.

Easy Operation


----Only add template, probe and primers.

Economical use

----Pre-packaged in an 8-strip tube for ready use.  

---- Unused tube(s) can be saved by cutting off.

Grundlegende Parameter




Ready-to-Use PCR Master BlueMix

PCR-grade water




